See the Contact us page for a map.
What do I wear?
Excercise clothing such as tracksuit bottoms and a slim fitting top. No jeans, belts or heavy clothing that would restrict your mobility.
Can you take me off the class this week?
If you cannot make the session, simply use the contact form on the contact us page or text Jenny. In the future you will be able to unbook yourself using the online booking system.
Is there a space tonight?
Coming soon will be a booking system showing you availability left in classes and allowing you to book in. Meanwhile, check the noticeboard in the barn for spaces or book yourself on a course to guarantee your spot.
What time does my class start?
All information about classes and their start times can be found on the timetable page or by clicking here.
What time does it finish?
All classes last approximately one hour however all class timings can be found on the timetable page or by clicking here
When do we break up?
When you sign up for a course there is a set number of sessions, however there is usually a one to two week break before the next course starts. During the summer this can be slightly longer. For all course dates, check with your instructor or this website.

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